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Environmental action and supporting local woodlands

There is a climate emergency. England is (almost certainly) in a state of deforestation, and our local environment is in a desperate state. We can’t ignore this situation.

We’re taking action, but we know we can do more. Our environmental policies are a continual work in progress, and we’re committed to being open and honest about our impact.

In 2022 we joined ‘Business declares’ and published a manifesto, outlining our plan of action to begin addressing the climate crisis. Together, we’re measuring and reducing our carbon footprint, while supporting projects that have a positive impact on our local woodlands and wider environment. 

Tom Barnes, managing director of Vastern Timber.

Our mission

Our mission is simple. To encourage more use of locally grown woods. We’ve worked with local timber since 1904 and believe it still makes sense to do so. Find out more about our manifesto and our plan to support local woodlands.

Business Declares

Vastern is part of Business Declares, the fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the climate and ecological emergency. As part of this group, we have published a report on the Greenhouse gas emissions from our business.

We’re working on lowering emissions as far and as fast as possible, while reducing waste in all its forms.

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Wood for the Trees

Filmmaker, Charly Le Marchant, and our MD, Tom, present a video series about UK woodland. Together with a range of experts, they’re exploring what lies ahead for our trees, timber, wood and woodland.

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British woodland in numbers

Supporting British Woodland by using British Wood

There’s more to ‘sustainability’ than ticking the PEFC box. Wood may have come from an independently certified, well-managed forest, but if it’s transported to the other side of the planet, is it sustainable?

It’s inherently more sustainable to make use of our local resources.

Measuring and reducing greenhouse emissions

As part of our efforts to reduce the negative impact of our business activities, and to meet the requirements of Business Declares, in 2022 we completed our first in-depth carbon audit.

We published the results in full.

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“We will continue to support British woodlands by purchasing locally and developing markets for all species and grades. I hope that you will support us and your local woodlands.”

Tom Barnes, Vastern Timber

Chain of Custody certificate: Download PDF
Vastern Timber Purchasing Policy: Download PDF

Grown in Britain
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
TRADA (Timber research and Development Association)
The European Union Timber Regulation

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