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European Oak Sawn Timber

Over 200 species of oak are grown in Europe. Although we specialise in local timber, we import a range of prime square edge European oak, ideal for joinery such as door and window frames.





Surface finish

Square edge sawn boards


Width range: 80mm – 200mm +

About European Oak Sawn Timber

With over 200 individual species, oak is to be found throughout continental Europe. From a commercial perspective, European oak is normally differentiated by country of origin. Eastern European oak, being that from Poland, Croatia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Slovenia etc, tends to be very clean and straight grained with a slightly silvery colour, while French and German oak, which is straw coloured, tends to be quite clean with a mellow texture. English oak is similar to the French and German but tends to be specified separately because it is generally more decorative.
Although we specialise mainly in the production of English oak, we do import a range of prime square edge Eastern European oak which is ideal for joinery work such as door and window frames.
Square edge boards of European oak will be supplied in random widths and lengths to satisfy the required specification. Although not particularly wide, the boards do tend to be straight.
The heart wood is a pale straw colour with a slight silvery tint. The grain is straight and mild making the wood relatively stable and reliable.

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Technical Specification

Common name European oak
Family Fagaceae
Genus Quercus
Unit of sale M3 (Cubic meters) (1M3 = 35.315 Ft3)
Kiln dried weight Approx 670 KG / M3
Specification Supplied in square edge sawn boards
Width range: 80mm – 200mm +
Description Board
thickness (mm)
thickness ()
Kiln dried and air dried boards 54 / 65 / 80 2 / 2½ / 3
Moisture content
Description Board
thickness (mm)
Kiln dried Boards 54 10 – 14%
Kiln dried Boards 65 – 80 14 – 18%
Durability BS EN350-2. Durable.
Workability + Works well. Relatively stable. Liming & fuming possible.
   Contains tannin.


European oak is available in the following grades but please note that not all thicknesses are available in all the grades:

First Joinery

The boards, largely clear of any defects, are straight grained. There may be a small amount of sap on the edges of the board. The heart will not be present although there may occasionally be splits on one edge of the board. Isolated larger defects will be measured out. Accepted: Occasional small tight knots, sap on arris, heart split on one edge if measure out. Not accepted: Curly grain, large or unsound knots, rot, wane, worm holes, bark pockets.


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