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British Sweet Chestnut Cladding

Sweet chestnut is similar in appearance to oak, although its colour is more consistent and it has the advantage of being more stable and lighter. Being naturally durable sweet chestnut is well suited to external cladding.




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English woodlands



British Sweet Chestnut Cladding Features

British sweet chestnut is a locally grown hardwood that is well suited to exterior cladding applications. Sweet chestnut is strong, durable and relatively light when compared to other types of hardwood cladding. Additionally, sweet chestnut is a very stable timber, resulting in less movement, distortion or splitting.
We offer sweet chestnut cladding in a choice of two length formats, either in solid random lengths (1.8 – 3.5mt+) or in 4.0mt finger jointed lengths. Jointed sweet chestnut boards are created by mechanically bonding a number of shorter lengths together, which allows us to utilise shorter lengths of sweet chestnut, reducing the waste in our sawmills.
Sweet chestnut contains a high tannin content. During the first few months after installation of the cladding, tannin will exude from the boards, resulting in streaks and stains. Tannin will react with and corrode any ferrous metal.

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Sweet chestnut cladding from Vastern Timber

  • British sweet chestnut
  • Fagaceae astanea sativa
  • Legal and well-managed forests in England
  • Supplied by Vastern Timber (
  • Grade: Grade BS1186-3 1990 Class 2 / EN942:2007 J30
  • Random lengths 1.8mt – 3.6mt +, allowing small % down to 1.5mt Or Jointed at 4.0mt allowing for a small % of cutbacks
  • Available in all machined profiles
  • Supplied dried to 16 – 20%
  • Durability EN350-2 Moderately Durable. Class 2
  • Supplied uncoated. No treatment required.


Sweet chestnut is a relatively consistent light straw colour with occasional brown mineral streaks.  Chestnut cladding boards will contain small pin knots and occasional tight knots up to 30mm.

Finger-jointed boards will include noticeable zigzag joints at intervals of 400 to 900mm.

As the sweet chestnut boards naturally weather, the colour will change to a silver-grey. On shaded elevations or in areas of higher pollution the sweet chestnut may blacken. In semi-shaded areas such as under eaves, the exuding tannin may leave unsightly stains.

Desired service life
Occasionally wet 60 yrs. Frequently wet 30 yrs.

 Movement class

Resistance to impact

Working properties
Good workability (easier than oak). Takes fixings well.

540 – 650 Kg / m3

Sweet chestnut contains tannic acid, which will corrode ferrous metals. All fixings used in conjunction with sweet chestnut should be stainless steel. Tannic acid can leave unsightly brown stains on the surface of the cladding and will stain any porous materials below the cladding. The reactivity of tannin makes sweet chestnut cladding unsuitable for polluted areas and shaded areas. 


How to fix
Hand nail with stainless steel nails through the face or through the tongue on suitable profiles.

For more information, visit our resource centre

Batten type
Treated softwood.
35mm thick x 50mm wide for sawn profiles

Batten spacing
400 – 600mm

Nail type
Stainless steel only. 50mm ring shank stainless steel nails for hand nailing. Trim head stainless steel screws are also suitable.

When to fix
Ideally autumn and winter months. Avoid hottest months.

Resistance to fixing


We machine timber cladding to the profile of your choice. View our full range of cladding profiles.

We recommend the following profiles for Sweet chestnut cladding.


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