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Waney-edge Cladding

Waney-edge cladding is wood at its most natural. With uneven edges and bark on display, this rustic style of external cladding is also our most cost-effective. Common species used for waney edge cladding boards are larch, western red cedar, elm and oak.






Larch, Western Red Cedar, Elm & Oak



What is Waney-edge Cladding?

Waney-edge is a rustic style of timber cladding created by overlapping rough sawn timber boards so that the natural edge is left exposed. When installed, the wane is visible on the lower edge of each cladding board. Bark may also be visible, but this usually comes off as the timber is cut on the saw, or will fall off relatively quickly as the boards dry out. The waney edge cladding boards are cut directly from the tree and supplied ‘green’ (wet) rather than air-dried.
Waney-edge cladding is great for barn conversions and rustic cabins.

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Waney-edge Cladding from Vastern Timber

Supplied by Vastern Timber

  • Profile code VWE1, VWE2
  • Thickness of 19mm or 25mm
  • Random widths from 200mm to 350mm+
  • Random lengths 1.8mt – 3.5mt+
  • Available in Green British larch, Green British cedar, Green oak and Green elm
  • Supplied uncoated. No treatment required.


Available in
Brimstone Delete-icon
Oak Delete-icon
Green Oak Accept-icon
Green British Elm Accept-icon
British Sweet Chestnut Delete-icon
British Cedar Delete-icon
Green British Cedar Accept-icon
British Larch Delete-icon
Green British Larch Accept-icon



Random lengths from 1.8mt – 3.5mt+ depending on specie

Depth Width range
19mm 200 – 350mm+
25mm 200 – 350mm+

Boards may vary in each dimension by +/- 3mm



How to fix

Face fix only. Do not try to hide the fixings.  One fixing only per board / batten.

Waney-edge boards are supplied in various widths. It is advisable to select boards into batches of approximately equal widths before starting. This will help achieve runs of a consistent depth across the building.

Begin at the bottom, ensuring that the first board is level and the waney-edge (bark) is pointing down. Use a 19/25mm strip (depending on the thickness of the board) behind the lower edge of the first board for support. Overlap subsequent boards by 50 – 65mm. It is important not to reduce the recommended overlap. Waney-edge boards are cut from green* (wet) timber and will, as a result, shrink by up to 15mm as the board dries.

We recommend that each board is fixed once with a nail located 10mm above the upper edge of the previous board. Some suppliers advise using two nails per board, but this does not allow for shrinkage of the board and can result in splitting.

End joining of the boards should coincide with a batten and should be staggered to ensure that subsequent boards do not join in the same place.

Batten type
Treated softwood. 50mm thick x 50mm wide

Batten spacing
400 – 600mm

Nail type
Stainless steel ring shank nails.
65mm for 19mm boards
75mm for 25mm boards

When to fix
Autumn and winter months. Installing green (fresh sawn) during warm months is not advisable.

Other considerations
It is important to consider the potential dimensional shrinkage and movement of green timber. Depending on the species, boards may shrink by 10% over the first two to three years as the wood dries. If exposed to hot, dry weather before or soon after fitting, boards are likely to cup, warp and split. The best time to fit cladding is in the autumn or winter.


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